

Welcome to the Storage section of the documentation. Here you will find information on how to build/manage your storage on Rocetta.

We current support the following images for your storage: Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and Amazon Linux 2.


Please setup your credentials before starting. You can find more information on how to do that here.

Deploying a Storage

  1. Go to the Storage section of the console.

  2. You will see a list of all your storages. If you haven't created any yet, no worries, we will do that now.

  3. Click on the Create Storage button.

  4. Enter the name of your storage or use the default one provided.

  5. Now you will see two options for providers (GCP and AWS). Choose the one you want to use. Use Recommendation Engine to help you choose the best provider for your use case.

  6. Choose the permission of the storage. This will be the permission of the storage bucket. Private for only you, Public for everyone.

  7. Choose the region you want to deploy your storage in. Use Recommendation Engine to help you choose the best region for your use case.

  8. Above you should see the pricing for your configured storage. This is the price per month. You can view more details by hovering over the pricing. This will show you the breakdown of the pricing.

  9. Click on the Deploy button.

  10. You will get a notification on the top right if the process has started. The main page is where you will see the status of your storage. You can refresh the page to see the status.

Connecting to your Storage

As of now, we only support provisioning storage. We are working on a GUI for access the buckets. For now, you can use the following methods to access your storage.

For AWS: Visit the AWS S3 Console and login with your credentials. Navigate to the correct region. You should see your bucket there.

For GCP: Visit the GCP Storage Console and login with your credentials. Navigate to the correct project. You should see your bucket there.

Deleting your Storage

Once you have deployed your storage, click on the three dots on the right side of the storage card. Then click on Destroy. This will delete your storage. Note: This action is irreversible.

If for some reason, you are running into errors and you know that your storage has been destroyed. Feel free to click Force delete. This will mark the service as delete on our end. Note: This action is irreversible.


If you are getting an error while deploying your storage, you can click on the three dots on the right side of the storage card. Then click on View Errors. This will show you the error logs for your storage. You can use these logs to debug your storage deployment. If you are still having issues, please contact us at [email protected] or join our discord server here.