Get Started
Step 0: Signup or Login to Rocetta
This is a simple step, but obviously necessary to get started. If you haven't already, please signup or login to Rocetta. If you are already logged in, you can skip this step ;)
Step 1: Creating Credentials
In order to get started, you will need one if not both of the following: an AWS account and a Google Cloud account. You can sign up for an AWS account here (opens in a new tab) and a Google Cloud account here (opens in a new tab).
Once you have an account or are using an existing account, you will need to setup credentials for Rocetta to use. This is done by creating an IAM user in AWS and a service account in Google Cloud. The following steps will walk you through this process.
Amazon Web Services
- Login to your AWS account and navigate to the IAM service. Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for
. - Click on
in the left navigation menu. - Click on
Create user
. - Enter a name for the user (e.g. "rocetta") and click
. - Click
Attach existing policies directly
. - Search for
and select the policy by clicking the checkbox next to it. Then clickNext
. - Click
Create user
. - Select the User you just created and click on the
Security credentials
tab. - Click on
Create access key
. - Select
Application running outside AWS
and clickNext
. - Add a description for the access key (e.g. "rocetta") and click
. - Temporarily save the Access key ID and Secret access key to a secure location.
- Click
Enabling Cost Explorer
In order to see your billing details on Rocetta, you must enable cost explorer
- Login to your AWS account and search in the top bar for
AWS Cost Explorer
- That's it! Opening cost explorer for the first time enables the service. Allow some time for AWS to update your access to cost explorer.
If needed, here is AWS's documentation on creating an IAM user (opens in a new tab) and creating an access key (opens in a new tab).
If you prefer a video tutorial, you can watch the following video:
Step 2: Adding Credentials to Rocetta
Now that you have created your credentials, you will need to add them to Rocetta. The following steps will walk you through this process.
This step assumes you have already created a Rocetta account and are logged in.
- Navigate to the credentials page (opens in a new tab).
- To add Amazon Web Services credentials, copy and paste the Access key ID and Secret access key from the step above. Click
when done. - To add Google Cloud credentials, copy the JSON file you got from the step above. You can also click on the
button to upload the JSON file if you have it downloaded. ClickSave
when done.
Now you're ready to start using Rocetta!
Info about AWS credentials
After inputting AWS credentials, we will automatically create a resource group for you. This resource group will be used to store all of your AWS resources that Rocetta manages/creates. We will use this resource group along with the tags associated with the services you deploy on Rocetta to estimate your billing. This however takes 24-48 hours to process. Don't worry you don't have to do anything.
That's it! You're now ready to start deploying services on Rocetta. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]
Next Steps
Now that you have your credentials setup, you can start deploying services on Rocetta. Here are some guides to help you get started: